9 Easy Steps How to Hang Wallpaper Borders

Wallpaper Borders can provide an accent to any room. They provide the basis for a room theme or tie all the basic colors in a room together. Even better, wallpaper borders can be hung in a very short period of time with minimal expense. 9 Easy Steps How to Hang Wallpaper Borders.
For the complete instructions on how to hang your wallpaper border, please read on.
Before You Start
Before you begin measuring and planning where you want to hang your border, the most important first step is to clean the area of the wall where you will hang the border. This can be done using a sponge and a wall cleaning solution (available at all home improvement retailers). Additionally, it is a good idea to place a plastic dust sheet or painter’s drop cloth below the area of wall where you will hang your border. To secure the dust sheet in place, use 2-3 inch wide masking tape.
Tools Needed
1) Wallpaper trough (if using pre-pasted wallpaper)
2) Dust Sheet
3) Plumb Bob
4) Wallpaper Hanging Brush
5) Trimming knife or Craft Knife
6) Seam Roller
7) Wallpaper Paste Brush
8) Pencil
9) Wallpaper Border
10) Wallpaper Paste (if using un-pasted wallpaper)
11) Spirit Level or straight edge
12) Tape Measure
Start Your Project
1) As you will be hanging a wallpaper border horizontally, marking the place on the wall where you will place the border is the first step. To do this, first, decide at what height off the floor you want you wallpaper border to hang. Using a pencil, mark its location on the wall with an X.
To do this, first, decide at what height off the floor you want you wallpaper border to hang. Using a pencil, mark its location on the wall with an X. 2. Holding the very end of the Plumb Bob or Plumb Line, place it where the wall meets the ceiling and allow it to intersect the X you made on the wall. Taking a piece of tape, mark the spot on the Plumb Line where it intersects the X on the wall.
2) Holding the very end of the Plumb Bob or Plumb Line, place it where the wall meets the ceiling and allow it to intersect the X you made on the wall. Taking a piece of tape, mark the spot on the Plumb Line where it intersects the X on the wall.Now, move the Plumb Line 2-3 feet along the wall and mark the wall with a pencil where you placed the tape on the Plumb Line. Continue doing this along with the entire wall where you want to place your wallpaper border.
Now, move the Plumb Line 2-3 feet along the wall and mark the wall with a pencil where you placed the tape on the Plumb Line. Continue doing this along with the entire wall where you want to place your wallpaper border.Remember, to get these measurements right, you must hold the top of the Plumb Line in exactly the same place each time you move and place it where the wall meets the ceiling.
Remember, to get these measurements right, you must hold the top of the Plumb Line in exactly the same place each time you move and place it where the wall meets the ceiling.3. You should now have a long line of marks on the wall 2-3 feet apart. Now, using a Spirit Level (best) or a Straight Edge (second choice), connect the dots or X’s. What you should be doing here is drawing a horizontal line on the wall from mark to mark.
3) You should now have a long line of marks on the wall 2-3 feet apart. Now, using a Spirit Level (best) or a Straight Edge (second choice), connect the dots or X’s. What you should be doing here is drawing a horizontal line on the wall from mark to mark.
If you have a Spirit Level you should also be checking to see that you line is level.
4) Before you begin hanging your border, now is a good time to place the dust sheet on the floor directly beneath the wall.
5) You are now ready to start hanging your wallpaper border. Begin by using a tape measure to determine the length of the wall that you want to hang the border on.
Next, unroll the same measured length of wallpaper border and cut. Important: Before you cut the border, it is a good idea to add 1 to 2 feet to the measured length.
Now you can begin pasting the wallpaper border or place it in the wallpaper trough if it is pre-pasted. If you have a pre-pasted wallpaper border, please read and follow the manufactures instructions on the best method for wetting the pasted back.
6) Next, begin hanging the wallpaper border on the line on the wall. To do this, you should roll the wallpaper border back into a tube or roll just as it was when it was still in its packaging.
Depending upon how you rolled your wallpaper, you will want to start at one end of the wall or the other so that the pattern of the border is the right side up.
As you unroll the wallpaper border along your line, you should gently press it to the wall every few inches. This will hold it in place so that you can go back and adjust it once the entire roll is on the wall.
7) Now that the entire roll is hanging on the wall, you will now need to go back and gently push it into place so that it just meets the line on the wall.
Next, using your wallpaper brush, after every 2-3 feet of adjustment, you should brush the border so that it is firmly held on the wall – making sure to “brush” out any air bubbles.
8) Using a craft knife, it is now time to trim the excess wallpaper. Next, using your seam roller, roll along the top edge and bottom edge of the border to make sure it is firmly against the wall.
9) The last step in hanging your wallpaper border is to remove excess paste from the border and the wall. Using your sponge, moisten it with warm water and gently wipe any excess paste from the wall and wallpaper.
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